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a powerful personality without a solid identity

In 1799, British poet Samuel Coleridge was transfixed by an immense flock of starlings that swept across the sky and hurriedly journaled his thoughts. Coleridge’s remarks later inspired biographer Richard Holmes to describe the flock as “a powerful personality without solid identity.”

Contemporary poet David Whyte called this description a perfect illustration of the shifting, starling-like nature of the corporate workplace. Does your culture have an identity that’s dying to shift? Learn more.

Team Effectiveness & Transformation

Every team is constantly evolving. During this dynamic ebb and flow, team members are making sense of one another’s communication styles, adapting to the leader’s approach, trying to gain clarity on the vision and their role in achieving it, and figuring out how to be and do their best work.

What sustains a team’s effectiveness in the midst of constant change is a commitment to building a strong container. Ask any high-performing team what makes them successful and a strong container will always be on the list.